Community Wealth Building - Our strategy 2024-26

Community Wealth Building – Populo

An introduction to our strategy
A key priority for Populo Living is a prosperous, inclusive economy where local people can get good jobs and achieve their aspirations. The Community Wealth Building Strategy launched by our Shareholder, Newham Council in 2019 is underpinned by the principles of economic, social and environmental justice; so that longterm prosperity, wellbeing and fairness for all residents in the borough is achieved.

"It is a clear commitment from us to ensure that Community Wealth Building principles and initiatives continue to positively impact our residents.’ 
Michael Holland, Deputy CEO – Populo Living

As well as attracting growth and investment into the borough, the Council’s Community Wealth Building Strategy together with the new corporate strategy ‘Building a fairer Newham’ will help unleash the potential of residents, businesses and the voluntary sector because they are the source of wealth and talent.

We believe that a prosperous, inclusive economy where local people can get a good job and achieve their full potential is possible. Our Community Wealth Building Roadmap is aligned with the strategic objectives and priorities of Newham Council and seeks to ensure the best future for our residents.

Populo – Our CWB Impact to date  Populo – Our CWB Roadmap 2024-26 illustrated

In envisioning the outcomes of our strategic objectives over the next two years, we look to develop a thriving organisation deeply integrated within its community, driving positive change and sustainability. Through the successful implementation of our objectives as set out within our Community Wealth Building (CWB) Roadmap.

Download and read the complete Community Wealth Building Roadmap Strategy 2024-2026 here.