Our journey

This timeline covers the main milestones and events of The Carpenters Estate regeneration.

Timeline of the Masterplan

The Masterplan divides the site into bespoke character areas, each with its own purpose and identity but with a continuous focus on people and place throughout.

This animation shows the current phasing plan for The Carpenters Estate; whilst some things might change, it shows you that the work is done in stages and as new homes are completed, residents can start to move into them before any works happen to their home.

Progress timeline

Carpenters timeline 1

Calendar of phasing plan

The phasing reflects an enhanced delivery programme of 11 years to deliver the Masterplan. However, this is the quickest the Masterplan is likely to be completed. The delivery programme could take in excess of 15 years and phasing may be subject to change in line with this. Populo and the Council is committed to ensuring that residents, in properties due for demolition, will be offered one move from their existing property into a new suitable replacement home within the estate. Based on our assumptions on likely demand, the phasing currently allows for those in a house to move into a house or maisonette (like-for-like). If demand changes, we will seek to adjust phasing accordingly so people can move into an appropriate home. The intention is that residents only move once, so a new home is built before your existing home is replaced.

This diagram (above) shows how the Masterplan has been split into different areas for a phased building programme and the table shows which homes are impacted when.

London's largest estate regeneration outline masterplan submitted

The Carpenters Estate masterplan submitted by Newham Council is London’s largest estate regeneration scheme, forges ahead.

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