Central Green Meanwhile Projects Underway at Carpenters Estate

Posted 03 October 2024

Exciting New Developments Include a Steel Warriors Gym and YesMake Playground 

The Carpenters Estate regeneration programme, managed by Newham Council and their wholly owned housing company Populo Living, has reached another exciting milestone with the commencement of meanwhile projects on the central green area of the estate. These impactful projects aim to enhance outdoor spaces for residents while long-term regeneration plans progress. 

Following the colourful upgrade of the Carpenters Estate basketball courts earlier this year, which were co-designed with young people from Stratford, the new developments currently underway include a unique outdoor gym built by Steel Warriors and a sustainably made playground by YesMake. 

Diggers on site at Carpenters Estate Central Green

Steel Warriors are transforming the streets by melting down knives confiscated by the police and turning them into outdoor calisthenics gyms. Their latest project at the Carpenters Estate aims to promote both fitness and community safety, creating a space that inspires positive change and active lifestyles. 

YesMake, specialists in using reclaimed materials to build public spaces with local people, are constructing a playground for the estate. The build focuses on low-carbon construction techniques, recycled materials, and community-driven designs. The playground will offer an innovative, empowering and creative space for youngsters, supporting outdoor learning and play while fostering community engagement. 

These initiatives reflect Newham Council's objectives of promoting community health and well-being, supportive spaces for young people, and facilitating a just transition to net zero. The meanwhile projects not only provide residents with enhanced green spaces, but also support the Council’s wider goals of addressing the climate emergency and facilitating a sustainable circular economy. 

Archived News on the Carpenters Regeneration
